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Mindful Mondays, OOTMA

Three Ways to Avoid a Wipeout

In 15 years of coaching, I’ve worked with a lot of high-performing executives. When things go well, they run like a finely tuned Formula 1 race car. But life and humans being what they are, I’ve witnessed the occasional wipeout where, in spite of best efforts and intentions, an exec spins out and crashes into the wall. In the interest of helping you avoid a similar fate, I’d like to share three best practices that are common to the high performers I work with who run at a really high speed yet avoid wiping out.

Leadership, OOTMA, Personal Presence

Three Short Videos for the Overworked and Overwhelmed

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with Dave Summers and other great folks from the American Management Association to talk about Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative. The AMA has a really cool little video series called Three Questions where authors give short answers to questions in their wheelhouse. If you’re feeling overworked and overwhelmed or know someone who is, these videos just might help. You can watch all three in under five minutes.


Wow, What a Week – Thank You!!!

Have you ever worked hard on something really important to you and worried if anyone was going to notice when you finished it? I think most of us have had that experience. To be really honest with you, I had that experience a couple of weeks ago as we counted down to the launch of my new book, “Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative”. What if I released the book into the world and nobody noticed?


52 Ways to Feel Less Overworked and Overwhelmed

Wow, it has been quite a launch week for “Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative”. The response to the book in terms of sales, reader reviews and responses and media coverage has been overwhelming (in a really good way). I’ll share more on Friday about what I’ve learned from talking with people about why they’re interested in the book along with some of their stories.

Mindful Mondays, OOTMA

The Choice That Saved Husamettin’s Life

Last week, I had one of the more interesting and amazing conversations I’ve ever had with a cab driver. His name was Husamettin. I’ve been in New York for the past week for a series of client meetings and interviews related to the launch of my new book. (Be sure to check out the special launch week offer at the end of this post.) On the way to one of those interviews, I was talking with Husamettin about how he stays sane navigating the crazy traffic of Manhattan. He told me that he has been driving here for 30 years but if he hadn’t changed his approach to his job 25 years ago he probably wouldn’t even be alive today, let alone driving. For his first five years behind the wheel, he told me, he used to lean on his horn, yell and stress out every time he was cut off in traffic. Years of that kind of stress led to stomach ulcers so severe that he couldn’t even take a sip of coffee or orange juice without it feeling like someone was sticking a knife in his gut. He chose to make a change that likely saved his life.


Do I Ever Get Overworked and Overwhelmed?

One of the interesting things that happens when you launch a book is you do a lot of interviews about the book. I’ve been doing a lot of those lately as the official publication date of Monday, October 13 approaches for my new book, “Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative”. In an interview for a radio show last week, the host asked me, “Do you ever get overworked and overwhelmed?” My answer was immediate and clear – “Yes, absolutely!”


Join the OOTMA Launch Team and Receive Six Exclusive Benefits

New research shows that the smart phone equipped professional is connected to work 72 hours a week. According to the American Psychological Association, the number one source of stress is the job pressure of a 24/7 world, so it’s no wonder that 48 percent of Americans report their stress level has increased over the past five years. It doesn’t have to be that way. I’d like to invite 100 of my readers to join the OOTMA Launch Team and help us spread the word that being overworked and overwhelmed doesn’t have to be the norm.

OOTMA, Updates

Overworked and Overwhelmed? We Have an Offer for You and Your Colleagues

If you’ve been reading this blog the past few months, you know that I’ve been working on my next book, “Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative”. There are two questions that people usually ask me when they hear the title of the book. The first is, “When can I read it?” The second is “How does the new book relate to what you’ve been doing?” On the first question, I’m thrilled to let you know that “Overworked and Overwhelmed” is now in production and will be available on October 13. On the second question, I view this new book as the logical successor to my first book, “The Next Level”. The connection is explained in the tag line of the new Eblin Group website we’re launching in a few weeks.

OOTMA, Updates

Now or Later?

Wow, can you believe it’s almost June? This year has flown by with one big event after another. One of the biggest was earlier this month when Scott finished the manuscript for his new book, Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative. That was a team effort that took a lot of coordinated focus. I’ve read it and I have to say you are in for a treat.


The Big Reveal for Overworked and Overwhelmed

If you’re a current reader of our Practical Insights newsletter then the cat’s out of the bag and you’ve already seen our big reveal. But for those who are not we didn’t want you to miss out.

So in case you missed the news, I’m writing a new book. Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative is due out in the Fall 2014 from Wiley. This book is for any professional who feels like their RPM is maxed out. Sustaining that is exhausting but often the way out seems just as daunting. By making the concepts and practices of mindfulness simple, practical and applicable, this book will help you take the easy steps to regaining control over the 168 hours you have in any given week. But what is a book without a cover? We are very excited to share with you the new cover!

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