What I’ve Been Saying Lately: Two New Interviews
Scott was recently interviewed by Martin Soorjoo for his podcast, Inside Mastery, as well as by Monster.com. You can check them both out in this week’s blog.
Scott was recently interviewed by Martin Soorjoo for his podcast, Inside Mastery, as well as by Monster.com. You can check them both out in this week’s blog.
If you’ve been reading this blog the past few months, you know that I’ve been working on my next book, “Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative”. There are two questions that people usually ask me when they hear the title of the book. The first is, “When can I read it?” The second is “How does the new book relate to what you’ve been doing?” On the first question, I’m thrilled to let you know that “Overworked and Overwhelmed” is now in production and will be available on October 13. On the second question, I view this new book as the logical successor to my first book, “The Next Level”. The connection is explained in the tag line of the new Eblin Group website we’re launching in a few weeks.
Wow, can you believe it’s almost June? This year has flown by with one big event after another. One of the biggest was earlier this month when Scott finished the manuscript for his new book, Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative. That was a team effort that took a lot of coordinated focus. I’ve read it and I have to say you are in for a treat.