How to Cure Your Toxic Team

book-youfirstIf you’ve been in organizational life for any amount of time, you’ve probably been a member of a toxic team. Not to be a downer, but if you haven’t been you likely will be in the future.

The good news is there’s something you can do about it no matter what your role is on the team. Team dynamics expert Liane Davey shares practical steps on how to do that in her new book, You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done.

In a recent conversation with Liane, she explained why it’s critical to take ownership of curing your toxic team. In the recording that accompanies this post, you’ll learn how to start taking action.

The first step is to identify which kind of toxic team you’re on. Chances are it’s a Spectator team, but it might be one of the other four toxic team types.

The next step is to lead the cure from where you are. Liane will help get you started by sharing her “killer app” behaviors for anyone who wants to take positive action to help cure a toxic team.

Take a few minutes to listen in on the conversation.

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