Japan: What You Can Do

Like many other people around the world this past weekend, I was transfixed by the news of the epic disaster that hit Japan on March 11.   I’ve noticed that almost all of the coverage so far has been straight news and very little commentary.   In my own case, I find that I can’t get my mind around the scale of the disaster and the impact on the people in the area.  It’s hard to comprehend how the lives of hundreds of thousands of people can be turned upside down for years to come in the space of just a few minutes.

At times like this, the human instinct is to help.  This morning, the editors of SmartBrief on Leadership  offered a list of ways to do so from Inter Action, a consortium of U.S. based non-governmental organizations coordinating and offering assistance to the people of Japan.   If you feel moved to help, I encourage you to review the list and choose an organization to support.

Let’s keep the people of Japan in our hearts, prayers and thoughts as they begin the work of recovery.

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