As the year winds down and the holiday season is upon us, it’s a great time to reflect on 2014 and plan for 2015. (I wrote a post last week on the reflecting part. Tune in next Monday for the planning part.) When I look back on 2014, one of the biggest things I see in the rearview mirror is the release a couple of months ago of my newest book, Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve read plenty about the book this year. What you may have missed, though, is a lot of the original articles I wrote and interviews I did on the book for other websites, publications and radio shows. Thinking that you may have a little more free time than usual over the next couple of weeks, here’s a recap of 15 articles that just might help you get ready for the new year.
First up, I wrote two articles this year for The latest is 20 Mindful Habits to Practice for a Happier Holiday. The first was 24 Ways to Be Mindful All Day, Every Day.
Canada’s newspaper of record, The Globe and Mail ran an excerpt from Overworked and Overwhelmed titled Why You Should Choose What Is Easy to Do (and Likely to Make a Difference. I also had a great conversation with their business columnist Harvey Schachter which he summarized in Forget Fight or Flight. Try Rest and Digest. I was thrilled and honored that Overworked and Overwhelmed was named one of The Globe and Mail’s Top Business Books of 2014.
Jeff Haden of Inc. magazine wrote a very popular article based on the book titled 10 Ways to Stop Feeling Overworked and Overwhelmed.
On the radio front, I was excited to talk with Wharton professor Stew Friedman for his Sirius XM show, Work and Life. You can read a transcript of our conversation here.
I’m very grateful to Fast Company magazine for running an excerpt of the book under the title of 7 Ways to Start a More Meaningful Routine and for two great original articles, 5 Routines to Clear Mental Clutter by Stephanie Vozza and 5 Ways to Embrace Mindfulness at Work by Laura Vanderkam.
The New York Daily News shared my message with its readers through an article titled Running on fumes? What to do when you are ‘Overworked and Overwhelmed’ that their reporter Victoria Taylor wrote after interviewing me.
The Huffington Post ran my article, Four ‘Killer Apps’ to Feel Less Overworked and Overwhelmed the week the book launched and recently ran an original article by Lindsay Holmes based on an interview with me titled Five Ways to Combat Stress with a Mental Makeover.
Finally, I hope you’ll get some useful takeaways from one or more of these articles I’ve written for Entrepreneur magazine.
Be Strategic. Set Aside Time for Daily and Weekly Goals.
Apply the Brakes Before You Break.
Up to Your Eyeballs in Work? Reconnect With What You’re In It For.
So, that’s the (partial) list. I hope there’s one or more ideas here for you to chew on. Would love to hear which of them resonate with you. Please leave a comment. And, in the meantime, happy holidays!