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What I’ve Learned from the Young Leaders of Stoneman Douglas High School

This past weekend a million or more people around the world turned out for the March for Our Lives in support of the students of Parkland, Florida’s NeverAgain movement. There are some clear leadership lessons that anyone who is willing to look can take away from the young leaders of Stoneman Douglas High School. Here are five of mine.


Three Basic Truths About People That Busy Leaders Should Not Ignore

It can be really exciting when you’re running at a hundred miles per hour to get big things done. The challenge is that, in that kind of situation, it’s easy to lose sight of some basic truths about people that you just intuitively get when you’re not so absorbed by everything else you have to do. Here, then, are three basic truths about people that busy leaders should not ignore:


Why Leaders Should Focus on Outcomes Instead of Solutions

Too often, executives and managers confuse their commitment to a particular solution with the outcome. Of course, it’s not. A solution is a means to an outcome, not the outcome itself. What happens when leaders shift their focus from solutions to outcomes?

Current Affairs, Leadership

What Great Leadership Looks Like

In 2017, it can be difficult to find examples of great leadership. Today, I want to offer two of them. The first is about Americans pulling together to rescue each other and the second is a leader taking time to stop and inspire the people around him to continue to focus on their mission.

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