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Leadership, Next Level Podcast

Are You Fit to Lead?

The question posed in the title of this post is one that I’ve heard asked a lot over the years. Usually, it refers to someone having the right mix of temperament, ethics, experience and the like that’s needed to be an effective leader. My guest in the podcast interview that accompanies this post would likely ask the question from a different perspective. Carol Himmelhoch is a professor of leadership at Siena Heights University and she’s recently published a monograph titled “Transformational Leadership and High-Intensity Interval Training”. If you’re familiar with CrossFit, you know what High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) is. Himmelhoch is a HITT devotee herself and started wondering about the connection between her avocation and vocation. She decided to explore whether or not physical fitness has an impact on leadership effectiveness. (Audio)

Next Level Podcast

Tough Conversation Ahead? Get into The Discomfort Zone

For this episode of The Next Level Podcast, I’m joined by coaching leader and former ICF President Dr. Marcia Reynolds, discussing her new book, “The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations Into Breakthroughs”. During our discussion, Marcia shares her perspective on how leaders can transform difficult conversations with team members into opportunities for a new perspective and deeper trust. Among other insights, Marcia shares the importance of fostering mutual respect. When good intentions are present, real breakthroughs can occur. There’s more in our conversation. (Audio)

Leadership, Next Level Podcast

Does Your Culture Engine Need a Tune-Up?

In his new book, The Culture Engine, veteran leadership consultant Chris Edmonds makes the very valid point that many leaders focus far more on what their organizations do than how they actually do it. If you want results for the long run, the “how” matters – a lot. (Audio)

Leadership, Next Level Podcast

What Any Leader Can Learn from Pope Francis

Jeffrey A. Krames has been involved in publishing more than 400 business books over the course of his career and has written books on business and government leaders like Jack Welch and Donald Rumsfeld. As Krames describes himself, he is the son of Holocaust survivors and believes that Pope Francis is the most authentic leader he has ever seen. As he told me in a recent conversation, he felt moved to write a book on the Pope. It’s called Lead with Humility: 12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis and is available this week. (Audio)

Improving Communications, Next Level Podcast, Personal Presence

Why You Should Be Brief and How to Do It

There’s a famous quote that’s often attributed to Mark Twain but actually originated with the French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal – “I would have written you a shorter letter, but I didn’t have the time.” That Pascal was one smart guy. A full five hundred years before the information flood that all of us face today, he understood that brevity is important and that it takes work to be brief. If you want to learn more about why you should be brief and how to do it, check out a new book, “Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less” by marketing expert Joe McCormack. (Audio)

Leadership, Next Level Podcast

What Does Your Boss Really Want From You?

What’s the most critical relationship you have at work? Any way you slice it, the relationship you have with your boss has to be very close to the top of the list if it doesn’t already occupy the number one spot. Because your relationship with your boss has so much impact on what you’re able to do, what you’re known for, what your future prospects look like and so many other factors, it just makes sense to step back and think about what your boss really wants from you. (Audio)

Leadership, Next Level Podcast, Personal Presence

Why Leaders Need to Learn How to Get Angry Without Being Stupid

One of the topics I regularly discuss with participants in my leadership workshops is whether or not they should show their anger or frustration when things don’t go well. Most of the time most of the people begin by saying that that’s not an effective leadership move. But, when they think about it a little bit more, though, many acknowledge that there are times when leaders need to show their anger. Recently, I had the chance to talk shop on this topic with a fellow leadership coach, consultant and author, Henry Evans. (Audio)

Next Level Podcast, Personal Presence

Nothing Changes Until You Do

Have you ever felt like you’re the only one who doubts yourself? Does that little voice inside your head compare you to people who seem like they just totally have everything completely together? Well, guess what. It’s not just you. Most everyone has their own inner critic that’s way too hard on themselves. (Audio)

Next Level Podcast

Why You Need to Learn to Lead Positive

If you are a leader struggling with keeping your team and yourself focused on the positive, you’re not alone. As a matter of fact, functional MRI research shows that the neurocircuitry of the human brain is programmed so that 2/3’s of initial neural activity is set to scan for what’s wrong than what’s right. (Podcast)

Leadership, Next Level Podcast, Organizational Development

What Any Leader Can Learn from Common Executive Succession Planning Mistakes

Ever wonder how smart people make bad decisions? That can happen in lots of situations including conversations around the board of directors table about who the next CEO is going to be. In a recent conversation with Scott Saslow of the Institute of Executive Development, I got an inside look at some of the common mistakes boards of directors make on executive succession planning. In partnership with the Rock Center of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Scott’s organization has released a new study on best (and worst) succession planning practices. (Audio)

Leadership, Next Level Podcast

Why You Need to Flex to Connect as a Leader

In the nine years since Tom Friedman wrote The World Is Flat, it has become even flatter and smaller. Even if you’re a leader who never leaves your home country, in any given day you’re likely to be video conferencing with colleagues halfway around the world and sitting in meeting rooms with team members who grew up in other cultures, come from different socio-economic backgrounds than yours, are significantly older or younger than you or represent any number of other differences from your own experience and background.

Leadership, Next Level Podcast

Why You Should Lead Like a Monk

When you think about leadership role models it’s likely that your first thought isn’t a monk. Maybe it should be though. In his new book, “Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks”, August Turak explains why. (Audio)

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