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Next Level Podcast

If Peter Drucker Were Your Personal Coach…

For more than 50 years of his almost 96 year life, Peter Drucker was known as the “Father of Modern Management.” His dozens of books included The Concept of the Corporation, The Practice of Management and The Effective Executive. Drucker was one of the few big thinkers who changed the way people view leadership. Can you imagine what it would have been like to have had him as your personal coach? (Click headline for podcast.)

Next Level Podcast

The Single Best Thing You Can Do to Be More Creative

Do you think you’re creative? Are you a font of innovation and new ideas? Do you regularly spark your team to think differently?

If your answer to these questions is yes, that’s awesome – keep going. If your answer is no or I don’t know, there’s a single best thing you can do to be more creative.

In a recent conversation I had with David Burkus, assistant professor of management at Oral Roberts University and author of the new book, The Myths of Creativity, he made the point that most creative ideas come through combining pre-existing ideas.

Next Level Podcast, Team Building

How to Cure Your Toxic Team

If you’ve been in organizational life for any amount of time, you’ve probably been a member of a toxic team. Not to be a downer, but if you haven’t been you likely will be in the future.

The good news is there’s something you can do about it no matter what your role is on the team. Team dynamics expert Liane Davey shares practical steps on how to do that in her new book, You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along and Get Stuff Done.

In a recent conversation with Liane, she explained why it’s critical to take ownership of curing your toxic team. In the recording that accompanies this post, you’ll learn how to start taking action.

Leadership, Next Level Podcast, Personal Presence

The Six Roots of Healthy Leadership

If you’re a leader who’s feeling continually pulled from pillar to post, you’ll want to check out the new book, “Grounded: How Leaders Stay Rooted in an Uncertain World” by Bob Rosen. In a recent conversation with Bob, we talked about the research he’s done in more than 20 years as an organizational psychologist and advisor to senior executives. “Grounded” is the summation of all he’s learned.

Bob has concluded that grounded leaders have deep roots in six important domains of health:

Next Level Podcast, Personal Presence

How to Promote Yourself and Still Respect Yourself

In a world where there is more and more information competing for everyone’s attention, it’s important to make sure you stay relevant. If you’re a leader in a large organization, this is especially important because your team’s success depends on how good a job you do as their Chief Marketing Officer. As I’ve written here before, the work doesn’t speak for itself, you have to speak for the work.

That’s what leadership and career expert Dan Schwabel teaches you how to do in his new book, Promote Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success. Dan is a particular expert in the millennial generation and has made it his mission to help members of that cohort be accountable for their careers and take charge of their lives.

I spoke with Dan recently about his book and asked him for his top three ideas on how leaders can promote their work without, as Dan says, coming off like “a self-promotional jerk.” Whether you’re a millennial or not, Dan offers some very important advice which you can hear in the brief interview that accompanies this post.

Next Level Podcast

Three Ways to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

As a leader, have you ever felt like there must have been some sort of mistake in the selection process that led to you being in the role you’re in? If so, you’re not the only one. Most leaders do at some or more than one point. The phenomenon is known as imposter syndrome and it’s the subject of a new book by Joyce Roche called The Empress Has No Clothes: Conquering Self-Doubt to Embrace Success. When you read Joyce’s bio, you’d think that if anyone could skirt imposter syndrome it would be her.

Leadership, Next Level Podcast

How Leaders Can Get to the Truth

One of the great challenges in taking on a more senior leadership role is staying plugged in to what’s really going on. All too often, leaders are blindsided because the people on their team tell them what they think they want to hear rather than what they really need to hear – the truth about what is actually going on. In this brief interview with “Out Think” author Shawn Hunter, he shares what a literal life or death situation from recent history can teach leaders about the importance of getting to the truth and some simple, practical ideas for doing that (audio).

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