Why You Need to Learn to Lead Positive

book-lead-positiveIf you are a leader struggling with keeping your team and yourself focused on the positive, you’re not alone. As a matter of fact, functional MRI research shows that the neurocircuitry of the human brain is programmed so that 2/3’s of initial neural activity is set to scan for what’s wrong rather than what’s right.

If you or a leader you know resembles that remark, you will want to check out my chat with this week’s podcast guest, Dr. Kathy Cramer. Kathy is a business consultant and psychologist who has worked with clients such as DuPont, Starbucks, and Microsoft and more, as well as many educational and non-profit groups.

Kathy has just released a new book, Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and DoIn the book, she describes how “Asset-Based Thinking” (ABT) can reorient a leader and their organization by helping them steer clear of the “deficit zone” and stay focused on leveraging vs. fixing. In the podcast, she also shares with us her one best piece of advice for leaders who want to lead positive.

Please join us for this brief and informative conversation.

[powerpress url=”https://eblingroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/kathy-cramer-edited.mp3″]

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