Make a Difference This Year. Right Now.

The tragedy in Haiti is a leadership moment for all of us to step up and do what we can do to help. I was talking with my college junior son on the phone last night and he said he wanted to go to Haiti to help. I know how he feels. I imagine most of us do. When you see or hear the reports of the deep suffering of as many as 3 million human beings, the natural response is to help.

Haiti1 As we’ve seen on television, the immediate challenge is for the professionals who are on the ground in Haiti to get into Port au Prince and set up the infrastructure and processes needed to provide rescue services, medical care, public health, food, water, shelter, security and more. It’s an overwhelming situation with acute needs now that will evolve into a long term recovery process. It will take money and that’s where we can all help and lead.

For the past several years, my company has done something just after the new year to acknowledge and thank the clients and colleagues we work with. Last year, we made a donation in their honor to the micro lending organization, Kiva, and I was planning on doing that again this year. Kiva is a great organization making a big difference around the world and they deserve our support and involvement. However, the needs of Haiti are so great that this year our donation is going to Doctors Without Borders for their relief work in the country.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to make a donation to one of the reputable organizations working to help the Haitians and to ask your colleagues, friends, family and clients to do the same. There are about 5,000 readers a week of this blog and you can do the math to see what a difference thousands of $10 or $100 or more donations would make. It could be $50,000, $500,000 or more in relief funds.You can make a difference. Here are some options for you to consider:

Make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross’ Haiti relief efforts by texting the word, Haiti, to 90999. Your donation will be billed to your cell phone. It’s quick and easy.

Make a larger Haiti relief donation to the Red Cross at this address or to Doctors Without Borders at this address.

Or, for a list of links to other organizations providing relief to Haiti, go to

Thanks for your leadership throughout the year and in this time of great need when your leadership and generosity can make such a difference.

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