Three Ways to Increase Your Influence

Effective leadership is all about getting stuff done through and with other people. Even for the most powerful leaders (think of the President of the United States for instance) getting stuff done is more often about influence than it is authority.

In a recent conversation with a fellow executive coach and author, Joel Garfinkle, we brainstormed what influence is all about and simple, actionable ways that you can increase yours. As the author of Getting Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your Career to the Next Level, Joel has done a ton of research, coaching and speaking on the topic so he was a great guy to talk with about influence.

With his permission, I recorded the conversation and you can listen to a six minute highlight of it for more on these three ideas from Joel on how to increase your influence

  • Look for ways to get others to rely on you.
  • Become a go to person.
  • Leverage your allies.

What’s your experience? Is influence more important than authority? What’s worked for you in increasing your influence?

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