Tim Sanders Shares Leadership Wisdom From His Grandma

Book-wearerich Tim Sanders and I haven’t met but the more I learn about him, the more I learn we have in common. We were both corporate executives. We’re both authors and speakers. We work with some of the same people.  And, we both had grandmothers who played a big role in shaping who we became as leaders and adults.

Tim’s grandmother was named Billye. My grandmother was named Bur. Both were kind but strong willed women of faith. They each went through hard times in their lives but never lost their optimism or their concern for other people. They were both pillars of their church and they expected their grandsons to be there on Sunday. They both drove Buick sedans – an Electra in Billye’s case, a Skylark in Bur’s. They both took their grandsons for burgers at Burger Chef every so often. Yeah, Tim and I have a lot in common.

One difference, though, is that Tim has written up his recollections of Billye and what she taught him about life and leadership in a wonderful new book called Today We Are Rich. The title is a quote from Billye that Tim shares in a heart tugging story that opens the book.  Tim goes on to share seven principles that he learned from his grandmother that he had to learn twice.  The first time was in his teenage years.  The second was in his late thirties after what he describes as his “sideways years.”  By literally revisiting his tiny home town in Texas, Tim reconnected with all that he learned at Billye’s side.

If you were lucky enough to have a grandmother like Billye or Bur, you’ll love Tim’s new book. It will feel familiar and remind you of the lessons and experiences that grounded you in the first place. If, by chance, there hasn’t been a Billye or Bur in your life, you’ll value Today We Are Rich for the wisdom that women like them have to share.

Today We Are Rich is available today. Tim was nice enough to provide me with a beautiful signed copy of the book which I’ll send to someone who leaves a comment on this post or subscribes to the Next Level Thinking newsletter.  I’ll be selecting a name at random on April 4 and will get in touch with the winner to get your mailing address.

Have you had a Billye or Bur in your life?  What did you learn from them that’s shaped you as a person and leader?

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