Why Leaders Need to Learn How to Get Angry Without Being Stupid


One of the topics I regularly discuss with participants in my leadership workshops is whether or not they should show their anger or frustration when things don’t go well. Most of the time most of the people begin by saying that that’s not an effective leadership move. But, when they think about it a little bit more, though, many acknowledge that there are times when leaders need to show their anger.

Recently, I had the chance to talk shop on this topic with a fellow leadership coach, consultant and author, Henry Evans. Henry is the co-author with Colm Foster of a new book called Step Up: Lead in Six Moments that Matter.

The way Henry and Colm describe that first moment is Get Angry, Not Stupid.

In this audio excerpt from our conversation, Henry explains when and why it’s necessary for leaders to show their anger. Of course, if you’re going to go that route, you don’t want to be stupid about it. Henry offers three important tips for how to stay on the right side of that line.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think in the comments. Is it ever OK for leaders to show their anger? If it is, what are your best tips for getting angry without being stupid?

[powerpress url=”https://eblingroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/henry-evans-may15-2014-edited2.mp3″]

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