Leadership Lessons Podcast: Amgen VP Kimball Hall

Kimball_hall The latest Leadership Lessons podcast features the insights of Kimball Hall, a terrific young executive at Amgen, a Fortune 500 leader in biotechnology based human therapeutics.  Kimball is the site manager for the 1,000 employee Amgen facility in Providence, RI where her team manufactures Enbrel, a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

In our conversation, Kimball talks about what she’s learned in making the transition from an individual contributor focused on microbiology to an executive with responsibility for a 24×7 operation manufacturing a critical product. In addition to her role within Amgen, Kimball serves on the boards of a number of statewide organizations supporting the economic development of Rhode Island.    In our talk, she reflects on how her internal and external roles have shaped her as a leader.

In the interview, she shares her tips on:

  • How she conducts “walk arounds” that allow everyone from managers to front line employees to take ownership for performance goals.
  • How she shifted her focus from individual success metrics to organizational success metrics.
  • How she built networks to make the transition from being a technical expert to an executive leader.
  • How she created a plan for starting out strong in a new executive role.
  • What she’s learned about confidence from being a statewide leader.
  • How she’s created a learning organization at the Amgen Providence facility.

If you’re a leader who’s moving up, one who wants to move up or are supporting one who is moving up, you need to listen to Kimball Hall.  Give a listen and let me know what your takeaways are.

MP3 File
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