Video Book Club: You Are Not Your Brain

It’s conference season which means free books and authors talking about their books. Heard and started to read a good one this week. It’s You Are Not Your Brain by Jeffrey Schwartz and Rebecca Gladding. Schwartz was a keynoter this week at the annual conference of the DC Metro Chapter of the International Coach Federation. His big idea (backed up by his research on functional MRI’s of the brain) is that the brain and the mind are two different things. We can use our mind to train our brain to overcome its baser and non-productive impulses.

He offers a four step approach to doing this which I highlight in this short video. The headlines on the four steps are:

  • Relabel
  • Reframe
  • Refocus
  • Revalue

You probably noticed that each step starts with Re. Interested in learning more about what they mean? 

Watch this video.


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