How to Be a Master of Civility

Does anyone else feel like we could all benefit from more civility in public discourse and behavior? If you do, you can do something about it. Set yourself the goal of being a master of civility. And, if you’re interested in doing that, start by listening to the highlights of a recent conversation I had with Christine Porath. Christine is an associate professor at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business and is the author of Mastering Civility: A Manifesto for the Workplace. As you’ll hear in the highlights, Christine has literally dedicated her life to making the world a more civil place and has some great ideas to share on how to be a master of civility and how to create a civil organization.

I’ll be sharing more from Christine early next year with the launch of my new podcast, Lead at Your Best, Live at Your Best. For now, I encourage you to read her book and listen to our highlight reel.

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